
Yabatech Rector Charges Students To Shun Cultism And Drug Abuse

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Yabatech Rector Charges Students To Shun Cultism And Drug Abuse

The Rector, Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech) Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe has admonished the students of the institution to eschew cultism, drug abuse, and social vices within and outside the College, if they indeed want to be good leaders of tomorrow.

Addressing students at the Annual Sensitization Program for all students organized by Students Affairs Unit titled: YOUTH AND MALAJUSTED BEHAVIOURS: SENSITIZATION ON DRUG ABUSE, Omokungbe noted that the second stanza of national anthem which goes thus; oh God of creation, direct our noble course, guide our leaders right, help our youth the truth to know, one of the truth to know is the vices of maladjusted behavior and avoiding it, will enable them to attain lofty height.

He advised them to pay rapt attention to what the speakers will be dishing out also to put them into practice, by doing so there will be peace on campus and they would eventually come out with good grade.

The Ag. Medical Director of the College, Dr. S.T. Nubi spoke extensively on Meaning, Effects, Causes and Solution of Drug Abuse; Major Adanu of the Nigerian Army Reference Hospital did justice to the title, “Impact And Sociological Consequence of Drug Abuse”, while The Director, Continuing Professional Developmental Centre, Dr. T. A. Omomia delivered a passionate lecture titled “Cultism the Hydra-headed Monster with video-visual to drive home her point. “