
Yabatech Products Remain Worthy Ambassadors – Ican

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Yabatech Products Remain Worthy Ambassadors – Ican

President, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), Chief Nnamdi Okwuadigbo, on Monday, congratulated Yaba College of Technology on its 33rd convocation, saying that its products had remained worthy ambassadors.
Okwuadigbo said that the leadership of the institute had done greatly in sustaining the institution’s legacy as the first higher college in the country.
According to him, the history of education and human capital development in the country will be grossly deficient without reference to Yabatech.
”Undeniably, this college has produced men and women of note, who are contributing to economic and social growth processes in the country.
”The products of this college have remained worthy ambassadors beyond the shores of the country,” Okwuadigbo said.

He added that his emergence as the 55th President of ICAN would not have been possible but for the foresight of one of the products of the old Yaba Higher College, Pa Akintola Williams.
”He is the doyen of Accounting in Nigeria; he co-founded ICAN with other visionary leaders.
”It is, therefore, a great delight for me to be part of this occasion, as I have benefitted, albeit indirectly, from Yabatech’s 72 years of making leaders.
According to the ICAN president, the theme of the convocation lecture, ‘Ethical Values, Good Governance and Nation Building’, speaks directly about the yearnings of Nigerians and other stakeholders in the economy.
”Even though the subject is global, the peculiarities of our political, social and economic structures make it particularly germane to us as a nation.
”Legitimate questions have been asked on why the challenges of the country remain intractable.
‘The theme of the convocation lecture is not just well-timed, but the organisers could not have chosen a better lecturer.
He enumerated the economic and infrastructural problems currently facing the country and questioned the leaders’ ethical disposition to governance as well as the roles of the followers in the entire situation.