Message from the Registrar


Mrs. Henrietta Badejo

It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you to the Registry Unit of Yaba College of Technology, the foremost higher institution in Nigeria, established in 1947.
The Registry is the hub of administration of this institution. It is positioned to serve our students, staff and other stakeholders better through delivery of efficient and timely service. It is with this mindset that this page has been created to be of immense assistance and for sharing important information on the Registry. Automation is gradually being deployed in many of our departments for optimal efficiency. I hereby implore you all to maximise this platform to achieve quality service delivery.
Our Vision
To be a dynamic unit with purpose-driven skilled human resources equipped with requisite knowledge to render effective and efficient services and to function as the administrative hub for the transformation of Yaba College of Technology.
Our Mission
To provide purposeful, prompt, qualitative and effective administrative support in the realization of the overall objective of Yaba College of Technology.

Thank you.