
Yabatech Trains Staff On Work Ethics And Etiquette

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Yabatech Trains Staff On Work Ethics And Etiquette

To achieve improved productivity and effectiveness for its staff, Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech) in conjunction with Global Women Investors & Innovators Network (GWIIN), recently engaged 80 selected Academics and Non-Academics staff in Work Ethics, Etiquette and Leadership training.
The objective of the training is to assist and support Yabatech to gain the competitive edge and advantage while providing access to soft skill knowledge transfer. Using a range of tools and approaches in which they would benefit from a thorough understanding of strategies that support good governance, ethics, professionalism and effective leadership qualities.
During the 2 day program at G International Institute Training Centre (GIITC) in Iyana-Ipaja Lagos, facilitated by Staff Development and Training Department of the College, the founder & Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of GWIIN, also the Convener, Dr. Bola Olabisi buttressed the main purpose of the training which was to re-train, re-skill, re-tool and take advantage of current and emerging opportunities. High performance behaviours and standard to achieve good and more effective results.
Kudos to Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe led administration that has been organizing numerous training for staff of the College for developmental purpose and efficiency.