
Omokungbe Gives Yabatech Hostels A New Look

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Omokungbe Gives Yabatech Hostels A New Look

Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), a 72 years old institution and the first tertiary institution in Nigeria is no doubt having dilapidated and decayed hostels due to age; and the Management of the College led by the Rector, Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe have taken the bull by the horn through thorough renovation of the hostels for proper and conducive rehabilitation which is meant to be a huge relief to the students.
During the Rector inaugural family meeting with entire staff in March 2018, he disclosed his mission and vision for the College which are Academic Improvement and Development, Infrastructural Development and Upgrading/Refurbishment of existing structures, Welfare of staff and students, Expansion/Improvement of Internal Generated Revenue.
Omokungbe is not playing lip service to the mentioned vision and mission; he is putting all the necessary measure in place to ensure the realization of his set target, and in fulfillment of the vision and mission two and three necessitated the complete renovation of the entire Augustine Aikhomu Hall and Moshood Abiola Hall respectively, the renovation exercise will extend to other hostels in no time.
The new administration has reconstituted and rejuvenated the hall warden committee for effective students’ services and hostel administration, likewise it is expected that the massive renovation of the hostels, in addition to equipping them with hostel furniture e.g Bed, Mattresses will ensure a conducive atmosphere for students’ residents.
Efforts are also being made by the Management to return and made functional the recreational rooms (common room) in the hostels which were allocated to food vendors to the students, and provision of basic amenities like water, electricity, clean and hygienic environment have also been tremendously improved upon.
Omokungbe has indeed started on a good note, the entire students gave a big kudos to the working Rector, he is indeed trying to bring to reality what he said in his one year in office speech “Let us leave a legacy worthy of emulation for posterity, let us move this College to its proper and enviable position, let us truly leave it as the best and most preferred institution.”