
Rector Charges Yabatech Community To Reuse Or Refuse Plastic

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Rector Charges Yabatech Community To Reuse Or Refuse Plastic

The Rector, Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe has implored the entire College community to shun improper disposal of plastic and waste in general, because of its harmful effect to the environment.
Omokungbe made the pronouncement during the World Environmental Day with the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution”; stating that when you have too much plastic in the ocean, you will have much plastic than the fishes and that could affect our lives negatively.

He noted that the purpose of World Environmental Day is to create awareness and consciousness of the problem that plastic emanate for us; and promised that Yabatech would key into the awareness by spreading the gospel and ensure that people refuse it.
“On behalf of the Management we are going to make a lot of dustbin available in the College, so that if you cannot reuse the plastic then you can refuse it by dropping it in the dustbin in order not to litter the surrounding, and that would help us to sustain the environment”.

The Managing Director of Greenhill Recycling, Mrs. Lawani who was at the event discouraged the act of dumping plastic in the environment because it would end up in ocean, there should be alternative source to it so that it would not eventually come back to harm us.
“Any plastic in the ocean stays for a thousand years or more, fish would mistake the plastic for food by eating it and die, the dead fish would be sold and people eventually eat the plastic thinking they are eating fish”.
Lawani noted that our waste ought to be separated by putting plastic; can, paper, sachet, and cardboard in different bins then inform the recycling agent to dispose and recycle the waste and make money from it.
“Recycling prevents waste of potentially useful materials, saves energy and reduces air, soil and water pollution. It also prevents habitat destruction, environmental pollution, reduces raw material extraction and combats climate change” she added.

A student of Environmental Biology Yabatech, Jolly Francess hinted that our milieu should be rid of plastic; because the environmental effect of plastic is that during rainfall it gets to the drainage and hinders free flow of waters and resulted to mosquito which causes malaria. Also, plastic makes water look ugly and the death of fish in the water as a result of plastic reduces the oxygen content of the water.