
Our Path To Posterity So Far

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Our Path To Posterity So Far

My dear colleagues, Staff and Students, today marks one year in office of this administration with my humble self at the helm of affairs as the Rector of the College.
At the commencement of this journey and an assumption of duty, we were clearly and formally resolved to leave this College better than we met it. This conviction leads us to our expressed Mission and Vision for the College which was presented to the College at the first family meeting in 2018. Our major thrusts being:
• Academic improvement and Development
• Infrastructural Development and upgrading/refurbishment of existing structures
• Welfare of staff and students
• Expansion/improvement of Internally Generated Revenue
One year is a short time to judge the performance of an administration. We have albeit tried to lay the foundation and provided the sign posts for our direction in the years to come.
During this one year, we have completed most of the uncompleted projects that have implication for the necessary growth of the College.

Some of these projects include but not limited to
(i) the College Central Research Laboratory is now functional and opened to all staff, students as the general public for research activities.
(ii) Construction of Hostel classroom blocks and the perimeter fence at Epe and the College water factory which were abandoned are nearing completion as the Contractors had to be called back to site after a protracted negotiation.
Our modest implant has land mark on our path so far:
• Student Services
The provision of improved student service has been established through effective communication and confidence building activities between student and management

• The rejuvenation of the Hall warden Committee for effective students services and Hostel administration
• Massive renovation of students hostels to provide a conducive environment for residents including provision of hostel furniture e.g. Bed, Mattresses etc.
• Efforts are also being made to return the recreational rooms (common room) in the hostels which were allocated to food vendors to the students.
• Provision of basic amenities like water, electricity, clean and hygienic environment, provision and repair of classroom furniture etc.
Academic Standards
So much effort has been made by the Academic Board to entrench a stable Academic Calendar to align the College with global best practices for the first time, in many years the 2017/2018 session was concluded peacefully without any student hiccups. The long lost time for the Part-Time programme was curbed to inform diplomatic moves and the uncommon cooperation of the Academic staff union.
It is our hope that the 2018/2019 session will beam improvement on the 2017/2018 session with the support and cooperation of the Academic staff, the Academic Board meetings have become inspiring as the attendance has improve the quality of conversation on issues on the floor of the Board. Academic traditions are gradually returning as academic activities have become professionalized, some of such activities includes the decentralization of result processing, the strengthen of the capacity of the School Boards respect to security and hierarchy in appointment of Heads of Department and Directors of Academic Unit, the review of the Administration of Part-Time programmes etc.
Efforts are underway to procure all necessary equipment for the laboratories and workshops in preparation for the impending accreditation of program in the College.
• The Introduction and appointment of Sub-Dean to assist in effective administration of the schools.
Other achievements worthy of mentioning
• Repair of the College roads for easy movement
• Resuscitation of staff buses
• Repair of several abandoned College vehicles for the use of Principal Officers, Council members and other official assignments. Purchase of befitting vehicles for the Rector and Registrar of the College.
• Renovation of the Yusuf Grillo Auditorium
Improve security is a major milestone as staff and student can easily move around the College premises without fear of molestation
Significant effort has been made in the area of capacity development. The re-introduction of the vote system has provided an opportunity for many staff to attend conferences and workshops and others forms of training.
Call for more Support
All the achievements listed above could not have been possible without the goodwill, support and contributions of all staff. This cannot be taken for granted. I therefore on behalf of the College Management express my profound appreciation and gratitude to all of you: The Principal Officers, The Academic Board, Deans of School, Directors of Academic and Service Units, Academic staff, Senior Non Teaching Staff, Junior Staff, Staff Unions (ASUP, SSANIP, NASU) our Security companies as well as the cleaning companies. I am indeed grateful.
However, the journey is still long and we are not even yet half way. The import is that more support, more work, more cooperation is required to get to our destination. I therefore solicit for your support and cooperation in the years ahead with more dedication, commitment, self discipline as we move on.
Let us leave a legacy worthy of emulation for posterity, let us move this College to its proper and enviable position. Let us truly leave it as the best and most preferred institution.
Thank you and God bless you all.

Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe
Rector (Since March 6, 2018)