
Omokungbe Campaigns Against Negative Behaviours, As Yabatech Matriculates 18,131 Students

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Omokungbe Campaigns Against Negative Behaviours, As Yabatech Matriculates 18,131 Students

There was a vigorous campaign against negative attitude from students such as absenteeism, indolence, disobedience, vandalism, violence and cultism by the Rector of Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe as the institution matriculated 18, 131 students recently to various programme of study in the 2018/2019 academic session.

In his matriculation address, Omokungbe disclosed the breakdown of 10,440 admitted students for National Diploma Full Time and Part Time, 7,670 Higher National Diploma Full Time and Part Time spread across all seven Schools and 48 programmes of the College in the Sciences, Technology, Engineering and Management.

Rector implored the newly admitted students to adjust their lifestyle and activities to align with the dictates of the oath to enable them have a smooth and successful stay on campus, also to go through the students Handbook to familiarize themselves within the College rules and regulations.

According to him, the matriculation ceremony is the high point of the commencement of your contract with the College for the period of your student tenure. The oath confers on you the responsibility to bear as having accepted to abide by the rules and regulations of the College, in addition to obeying constituted authority.

Omokungbe counseled the new matriculants to remain focus and avoid any form of distraction that will be detrimental to their goal, as students who do not meet 75% attendance of lectures will not be eligible to write any semester examinations.

He noted that membership of social clubs and indeed all associations is voluntary; students should discern the group they want to be associated with, while cult activities are highly prohibited on the campus, as any student caught in the act will be dealt with in accordance with the law, because the College has zero tolerance for any form of indiscipline.

He said that Academic Board has programmed the academic activities of this session to ensure that it is hitch free, therefore no negative youthful disruptive exuberance will be condoned. We however, solicit the cooperation of all stakeholders for a smooth sail and orderly academic session in the interest of all.

“The College Management has within available resources, ensured that students have conducive environment for learning and living. Efforts have been made to renovate the hostels and generally provide a clean and safe environment for students in Yaba campus while work is still ongoing at the Epe campus. Students are therefore advised to take advantage of the facilities in the hostels, classrooms, libraries and the Medical Centre. Also provided is a place of worship for both the Christians and Muslims, as religions activities outside designated areas are not allowed.”

“To our dear parents, we congratulate you thus far. We urge you to continue to pray for your children and make their stay on campus as stress free as possible. It is assumed that all students in the tertiary institutions are adults thus require some level of discretion in their decisions making process. It is time for them to explore their potentials and identify their individual strength. Let their tenure of studentship in this College be exciting and memorable for them, your joy will be fuller when at the end of their programmes, you are invited to this same venue to celebrate their convocation ceremonies. May the Lord let it materialize.