
Omokwale Bows Out In Grand Style

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Omokwale Bows Out In Grand Style

The Rector, Yaba College of Technology (Yabatech), Engr. Obafemi Omokungbe showered copious encomium on the Former Deputy Rector Administration, Engr. Benjamin Omokwale who served the College from 1985 – 2019 and retired meritoriously from active service.

Speaking at the 2nd Distinguished Service Lecture organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering titled “The Engineer in Administration and Governance Past, Present and Future” by Engr. T.K. Ogini, in honour of Omokwale, he noted that retirement is a thing of joy and every staff must look forward to it, retirement from service must be celebrated.

According to him, Omokwale is a deserving colleague, a distinctive professional and a seasoned administrator. Today, we are gathered to honour a great mind and an even greater person amongst us, no matter how big the celebration is at beginning, it is nothing compared to the way we celebrate someone who has lived and served in an exemplary way. Omokwale is an alumnus of the College and an excellent Engineer; he joined the service of the College in 1985 as Lecturer II and by dint of hard work rose to the rank of Chief Lecturer in 2003. His dedication to duty and immense contributions to the College was rewarded in 2008 with his appointment as the Deputy Rector Administration.

Omokungbe commended Omokwale for investing 34 years in tremendous contribution to the Mechanical Engineering Department and the College as a whole; he served meritoriously as the Head of Department, he was the pioneer coordinator of the Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) linkages programme with the Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA).

“Today we gather here to say thank you and farewell, but what we are not saying is goodbye, because we will always appreciate and value your contributions and input in matters that concern the great Yabatech. We are sure of one thing; you will always be available to offer valuable input to the College even in your retirement. You encouraged initiative and cultivated teamwork amongst the people that were around you. To be an Engineer is to be a problem solver, one who notices a problem in his environment, and devices means to proffer solution. Engineer Benjamin not only did that to a commendable level but passed on knowledge to those below him. Directly and indirectly, the nation has benefitted from his input in engineering education. A good leader and delegator, he was true to the maxim which goes thus “The best way to keep power is to share it, and the best way to influence is to listen”. I would like to express my gratitude and say thank you for your support. You have provided an avenue for everyone around you to learn and become a better person, and the unforgettable bond and friendships you have formed with people around will not be forgotten so soon. Replacing a man of your caliber is a near impossible task.

Rector hinted that in some scenarios, people leave an organization in acrimonious circumstances; but not in the case of Omokwale, he has fulfilled to the best of his abilities all that he sought to fulfill in the College, and that is the reason he was being honoured with a ceremony filled with admirers and well-wishers, because they are proud of his achievements, and his name would be used as motivation and inspiration for those that wish to follow his exemplary footsteps, because he has created a legacy that will never be forgotten in Yabatech.