Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme was established by the Industrial training Fund (ITF) in 1973 with the aim of bridging the gap between the skills which the labour market required with that of those acquired by the graduate students.
Since its introduction by the ITF in 1973 the Scheme has gone through series of reforms. its management, for instance, has changed hands from the ITF to the various regulatory AGENCIES SUCH AS National Universities Commission (NUC) National board for Technical Education (NBTE) and National Commission for college of Education (NCCE) and now back to the ITF again. These are the major stakeholders in (SIWES).
Consequently, SIWES Programme was introduced into the curriculum of tertiary institutions in the country as far back as 1974 with 748 students from 11 institutions of higher learning.
However, the scheme has over the years contributed immensely to the personal development and motivation of students to be able to understand the important connection between the taught and learnt content of their academic programmes and what knowledge and skill will be expected of them on professional practice after graduation.
Meanwhile, the need for students to possess adequate information on (SIWES) is further underlined by the fact that (SIWES) is a course of study that attract two, four and six credit units in Colleges of Education, Polytechnics and Universities respectively, depending on the need attached to it by the institutions.
The availability of required information therefore, enhances the capacity of students to work for and earn the credit units allotted for SIWES, rather than wobbling through the training intervention because of lack of pertinent information.
In recognition of the short courses and weakness in the formation of Set graduates, particularly with respect o acquisition of relevant production skills, the industrial training fund established the students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) in 1973.
The Scheme was designed to exposed students to the industrial environment and enable them develop occupational experiences so that they can readily contribute their quota to national economic and technological development after graduation.
Consequently, SIWES is a planned and structured programme based on stated and specific career objectives, which are geared toward developing the occupational competencies of participants.
The Industrial training funds policy document no. 1 of 1973, which established SIWES outline the objectives of the scheme.
The objectives are to:
1. Provide an avenue for students in institution of higher learning to acquire industrial skills and experience during their course of study.
2. Prepare students for industrial work situation that they are likely to meet after graduation.
3. Expose students to work methods and techniques in handling equipment and machinery that may not be available in their institutions.
4. Make the transition from school to the world of work carrier and enhances students contacts for later job placements.
5. Provide students with the opportunities to apply their educational knowledge in real work situations, thereby bridging the gap between theory and practical.
SIWES: Is charged with the responsibility of promoting and encouraging the acquisition of skill, commerce and industry, with the view to generating a pool of trained indigenous manpower sufficient to meet the need of the economy.
SIWES, is aimed at developing the human resources of the nation. It builds the nation’s work force to promote the economy of a nation.
The vision of SIWES is to prepare students to contribute to the productivity of their nation.
Students’ Industrial Work-Experience Scheme – a skill training and competence building intervention for students of tertiary institutions – has the potentials of increasing the scope and variety of technical skills in the common pool or general stock available for the industrial development of Nigeria.
Therefore, harnessing the potentials of SIWEs for Industrial, technological and Economic development, however, demands that the three major SIWES stakeholders or actors (students, institutions and employers) be empowered to fully participate and cooperate with one another in implanting the scheme. While such cooperation requires that, the three actors share the same information on all basic aspects of SIWES.
The major benefits accruing to students who participate conscientiously in industrial training are the skills and competencies they acquire. This is because the knowledge and skill acquired through training by students are internalized, and it becomes relevant, during job performances or functions.
Several other benefits include:
1. Opportunity for students to blend theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom with practical hand-on application of knowledge required to perform work in industry.
2. Exposes students to the working environment, i.e. to enable them see how their professions are organized in practice.
3. Prepares students to contribute to the productivity of their employers and nation’s economy.
4. Provision of an enabling environment where students can develop and enhance personal attributes such as critical thinking, creativity, initiative, resourcefulness leadership, time management, presentation of skills and interpersonal skills.
5. Prepares students for employment and makes transition from school to the work environment easier after graduation.
6. Enables Students Bridge the gap between the acquired skills in the institutions and the relevant production skill required in the work organization.
7. Enhances students contact with potential employers while on training.
Number Of Staff Directly Involved In SIWES Program
- Coordinator
- Admin/Executive Officer
- Secretary
- Clerical Officer (2)